Our Little Löwchen had a great weekend at Reno Kennel Club!
Kiki went Best of Breed under Judges Cindy Lane and Edy Dykstra-Blum piloted by Alison Greenwall Gray. Thank you for stepping in when we were in a pinch!
Kiki also went Regular Group 1 under Judge Edy Dykstra-Blum with Ruby piloting.
Kiki is still holding strong as:
#1 Löwchen Breed
#1 All Breed Löwchen Girl
Thank you to all the judges who have found our little lioness! Thank you to the wonderful community of Löwchen and Juniors supporters!
MBISS MOHBIS GCHS Suma’s Moonlight Broom Ride “Kiki” is presented by Bill McFadden,Taffe McFadden, April Rose, Ruby, and myself. Thank you to Alison Greenwall Gray for the help!
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