Available Puppies and Adults

Lowchen Litters: Coming in mid- to late 2025. The litter will be announce after they have safely arrived. Apply now to be considered for a puppy.

Adult Lowchen: We have retired Champion adults, Topher and Churrie, available for rehome located with our cobreeder in Northern California. Adults may be available in Minneapolis in mid- 2025. See Below. Please complete an application for an adult.

Service Dogs in Training: RESERVED We have one 18 month old male Lowchen service dog prospect in training. He would be ideal for medical alert tasks. He is also available as a therapy dog prospect.

Greater Swiss Puppies: Please check for updates in late Summer/early Fall 2025. Apply now to be considered for a puppy.

Churrie is a fantastic, funny guy. He likes other small and medium sized dogs. He was an absolute pleasure to show to his championship. He adores chasing a tennis ball. We believe he would excel in sports such as a FCAT or lure coursing or just holding down a warm lap with adults or older children.

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