How do you pronounce Löwchen?

A very common question is “How do you pronounce Löwchen?”

Depending on who you ask, you will get a different answer. No matter how you say it, someone will pop out of the woodwork and correct you. And sometimes there will be two people who will insist that they truly know how to pronounce Löwchen, and they will get into a fight with each other over it. 

Even these two websites differ in how it is pronounced


Follows are some of the ways that I’ve heard Löwchen pronounced. 







It should be mentioned that the breed also has different or multiple names across different countries or kennel clubs. 

Lowchen – United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Australia, and New Zealand

Little Lion Dog – Belgium, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, United Kingdom, Lithuania

Leeuwhondje – Belgium

Petit Chien Lion – France, Poland

Lwi Piesek – Poland

Piccolo Cane Leone – Italy

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